03 August 2013

And we danced all night..

The worst week ever ended with the Best Song Ever, and maybe one of the best concerts (not ever) but this summer. Which is that of my loves, One Direction.

I've been having an up-but-mostly-down week this week, with my childhood pet JJ passing away and of course, my stressing out over "stuff," that attending tonight's (well last night's) show was legitimately something that I did not even want to do. 

But I had to do it, because I knew that they had the magical touch and would somehow make everything I've been through this week, worth it.

5 Seconds of Summer rocked their set. I have come to absolutely love these Aussies' music. Plus, the drummer's pretty adorbs too.

And of course, we can't forget these guys. 

Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis. 

I need not to say anymore, but I will still say that I seriously adore these boys. It's weird to take a step back and think "Did I really just say that?" But I really do admire them so much. 

I probably won't ever get to know any of them on a personal basis, but if I am blessed enough to spend more than 5 seconds with them, I'll let them know how much I love them.

Good show, boys. 

Maybe I'll see you again this tour. ;)