30 August 2013

You always will be my summer love.

Now that the summer is nearly over, and seeing that my fall semester has already started, I reckon it is an appropriate time to sort of reflect on My 2013 Summer Bucket List.

At the beginning of this summer, I came up with 13 things that I wanted to do, whether that be attending a particular event or learning a new skill. 

Shall we go through each one? Why not.

1. Save more, spend less.
I think what I was going for with this one was to not blow my money on silly, minute things, but on experiences and necessities. But I do believe a little retail therapy doesn't hurt (once in a blue moon, though). I was pretty satisfied with my spending, and not spending for that matter. 

2. Scavenger hunt
Unfortunately, this didn't happen. I'm a bit gutted about that, but it's okay because 1) it was hot, and 2) a lot of my friends back home were busy: either with work or summer school. I suppose I could have dragged my sister into it, but she probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much.

3. Learn how to penny board.
I'll be honest, I'm still pretty nervous riding my penny board and am definitely not confident enough to use it at school. However, I have made significant improvement considering the fact that I've never really ridden a penny board before. 

4. Camp out.
Camping out was actually one of the first items I was able to check off this list! It was when my best friend Angela was in town with her church friends, and we camped beachside. You can read about that here

5. Win radio contests: Hello free tickets!
This one. This one is a bit of a doozy because I actually was able to win two pairs of tickets off the radio. To the Jonas Brothers and for One Direction... I don't want to talk about it, but I will. My sister and I did end up going to the One Direction concert, but it wasn't with the pair that I won off the radio. BECAUSE they don't hold tickets at the box office and we weren't coming back to SD until the day of the show. And the story with the Jonas Brothers concert is that I had a final essay due that night.. I got an A in that class, though. :)

6. Road trip
The road trip was done near the beginning of summer, as well. This was a lot of fun because I was with my best friends. Angela and I drove up to Flagstaff to visit Mariah. It was a short stay, like the whole trip was just a little over 24 hours. And you can read more here.

7. Spend more time with family
I'm really content with this one because I practically spent every day with my family, which was so nice because I missed them loads. Being back home wasn't something that I initially wanted, but I couldn't be more happy with how it all turned out. I know that the feeling is mutual with them. I love them and miss them already.

8. US Open of Surfing

This event has become a summer tradition for me, as I've attended it for the past 3 years already. To me, it's a great time. I love the atmosphere of it, I love the surfers, and I like free stuff. Not too fond of the drunk crowds and thirsty girls and boys, but I'm able to put that aside to truly enjoy the event. I'm not sure that I'll be able to make it out there next summer because I'm honestly going to try and stay in Europe for as long as I can. ;)

9. Exercise/stay fit.
I'm pretty proud of myself with this one because although I got lazy every now and then, I didn't allow myself to become a couch potato. It's very hard to discipline yourself when you just want to relax and do nothing, but it isn't impossible!

10. Meet someone famous. 

Like SO MANY THINGS in life, nothing really happens the way you expect it to. Unless you're like extremely perfect and have the best luck, because that is by no means myself. I had all the best intentions and was extremely optimistic thinking that I'd finally get to meet One Direction this summer. As you can tell by the picture, this wasn't the case. I met their opening act, 5 Seconds of Summer though! Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton <3 (Ashton's a cutie, he's my favourite)

I also met Liam Payne's best mate, Andy Samuels. So if that's anything. What's that called? Degrees? One or two degrees from One Direction. Pretty close!

11. Upload some vlogs!!!
This was, again, my optimism speaking. Wasn't able to upload any vlogs, or make any for that matter. It's alright though, I'll leave the YouTube to the YouTubers, and just be a consumer.. For the time being, at least.

12. Enjoy time outdoors.
Yes, yes, and no. You see, for the majority of summer, I was in the Vegas desert. So, it wasn't that enjoyable spending time outside. However, it is at night when I would go out, penny board a bit, and yeah. Then, when I came back to California, I like to think I made for lost time. I went to the beach with my dog, rented beach cruisers, learned how to paddle board, ran at the park. California weather is ace. 

13. No regrets.
As I'm reflecting on this summer, I'm amazed at how much I was able to fit in, but more so stupefied at how fast it went by. Nevertheless, I don't have any regrets. I was extremely blessed to have had such an amazing summer. And although it wasn't all amazing (I miss you, JJ. RIP darling) and got stressful at some points, I'm so thankful for all the experiences and moments. It was nice to be home with my family, seeing some friends, and just enjoying the summertime. 

It was fun.

BUT, as a September baby, I'm eager for the fall and winter months. Yay, real fashion and cold! :D

Jasmin xx

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