21 May 2013

My 2013 Summer Bucket List

I love the summer for its longer days, go-with-the-flow vibes, and endless possibilities. 

After a long year of school, summer is supposed to be a stress-free zone. And regardless of the fact that I will unfortunately be enrolled in two summer courses (thankfully they are solely online,) I will do my best to eliminate the stress.

So, in honour of the shortest three month break of the year, I have decided to make a Summer Bucket List with 13 items for 2013. For the most part, I think they are pretty vague, which will allow for flexible interpretation. However, there is a majority of specific ones.

I shall share with you guys here, and hopefully you will all be inspired to come up with your own! I know for myself that I love the satisfaction of a checked-off list, and I'm always looking for a good time. Just have fun with it!

My Summer Bucket List 2013:
1. Save more, spend less.
2. Scavenger hunt
3. Learn how to penny board.
4. Camp out.
5. Win radio contests: Hello free tickets!
6. Road trip
7. Spend more time with family
8. US Open of Surfing
9. Exercise/stay fit.
10. Meet someone famous.
11. Upload some vlogs!!!
12. Enjoy time outdoors.
13. No regrets.

Bonnes vacances!