02 May 2013

La vie est belle.

Admittedly, I have been neglecting this blog and haven't written a post since almost a month ago.

However, I am back today with a little life update for those of you who actually read this. (Thank you, if that is you.)

These past couple of days have been SUPER busy for me. I had a French presentation today which was required to be only 10 minutes long, yet being the over-achiever I am, I put 300x the effort into that, and made a kick-ass PowerPoint presentation and 36 mini-cupcakes, or petits-gâteaux.

The presentation was on Marie Antoinette, by the way. I have come to LOVE her and her story. A young queen with the most extravagant taste in all of the 18th century, she was (simply put) great. Of course, her reputation to this day is not so great, but I put myself in her shoes.. What's a young queen to do but BE EXTRAVAGANT? Anyways, I like to believe the presentation was a hit because of les petits-gâteaux les plus mignons. I'm so happy they turned out well.

Now I can finally relax, if for only a day. 

On top of studying for upcoming finals, I have added to my plate some extra-curricular activities. Particularly, being on the student board for a honor society.

A week ago, myself and 6 other new board members spent the day at Balboa Park for the new officer retreat. It was such a nice experience, and a beautiful day at that.

Nevertheless, I just wanted to write this because although living fast and to the fullest is nice, taking a moment to really appreciate the life you have is nicer.

I have such wonderful plans to look forward to, but I'm learning it's better to take things one day at a time. Yesterday was the deadline to turn in our study abroad application, so now we wait to see where I will be a year from now. But I can do that, I CAN wait. Because life is too good now to even formulate how good it will be later.

Life is beautiful, and if you don't take some time to slow down, you're going to miss out on a lot of things.