30 August 2013

You always will be my summer love.

12 July 2013

All Around the World

I just wanted to write a quick post here. I've always kept an eye on my page views and audience statistics, and I definitely get very excited whenever I see the countries listed there.

There are people from Australia to Brazil to India to Japan to the Netherlands to Ukraine reading my blog! And for a small girl with big dreams, this means A LOT.

Writing a travel blog has been one of the things I've always wanted to do. However, being that I am an university student (meaning no career and no money) I can't really run a travel blog yet. Though, just seeing the potential right in front of me, because of you guys who actually read my posts, gives me the biggest goosebumps. I obviously have a long ways to go, but I'm so excited for what's to come.

I guess I just wanted to say thanks. Thank you for visiting my blog once in a while. It isn't much yet, but it will get there. :)

So, please don't be shy. We can share a laugh. I promise I don't bite.

All my links are there.

xx Jasmin